Mission Accomplished for Nick Tetz in his 2024 Canadian Debut
By: Covy Moore Thursday, March 7, 2024 @ 4:47 AM

Nick Tetz won the second event of the 2024 PBR Canada Cup Series in Lethbridge, Alberta. Photo: Covy Moore/CovyMoore.com.
AIRDRIE, Alta. – Nick Tetz rose to the occasion in Lethbridge, Alberta this past weekend, taking home his fourth event title in three years inside ENMAX Centre.
In his first PBR Canada appearance of 2024, the Calgary, Alberta native went a perfect 3-for-3 to claim the win and a haul of 130 national points, thrusting him to the No. 4 in the nation.
Tetz turned down a re-ride in Round 1 after his Nansen Vold bull Lord Fear had an uncharacteristic trip that only garnered him 79 points. Tetz said he feels he could have taken the re-ride, but knowing the re-ride bull wasn’t exactly the greatest matchup, he held onto the points.
“It all depends on where you are at mentally and how you are riding,” Tetz said. “I am coming off an injury, trying to get the mojo back. I wasn’t going to decline it without looking at what the bull was. I didn’t think it was the most rideable bull for me.
“Getting on three bulls in one day, and the five for five. For me it was just about keeping the score and trying to win it on event points.”
Following an 85-point ride on Irish Car Bomb in Round 2, Tetz climbed the event leaderboard. In the championship round, Tetz selected the Kinky Buckers standout Grand Funk. The choice ended in an 89-point ride, and the event title as Tetz was the only contender to ride all three of his bulls in the main event.
“Walking back to make our picks, Blake Smith was there and mentioned Grand Funk,” Tetz explained. “I picked him, I think a lot of guys like that bull. That bull has a lot of action, but as far as how he bucks, if you don’t move on him too much and do your part he packs you around. You just need to sit up and stick your chest out, and he will make you look good.”
Tetz felt the pressure of returning to the building where he has now won four PBR Canada Cup Series events in the last three years, particularly after being cut from the premier Unleash The Beast.
“I was a little nervous walking into the building, having all that success before, it has been a little honey hole for me these last couple of years so I was feeling some pressure. I was nervous as far as my expectations for myself. I was kicking myself for maybe not taking the re-ride in the first round,” he said.
“It felt good to get the win.”
Still nursing an injury to his left ankle, Tetz praised both the United States and Canadian Sports Medicine teams for their efforts in making sure things are braced in a way that lets him continue to be competitive.
“It is definitely tight, the muscles up my calf and shins are tight. It feels fine, I have been getting on lots of bulls lots before this in Texas, and I am going to get on some more tomorrow,” he said.
“Sports med in the ‘States and up in Canada have done a good job in figuring out how to brace it and what works. It feels good, but it’s a pain to have to tape it. It’s tape and a little pad, that's all I really need.”
The start of any season is a coming out party for the young riders in PBR Canada. And this year is no different.
Between the return of 2023 standout William Barrows, who was injured in Kelowna, British Columbia, last year, to the likes of Marshall Senger and Orrin Marshall, there are plenty of up-and-coming talents.
Tetz is most excited to see Barrows, who was sidelined for nearly a year, back and getting bulls ridden right off the bat.
“William Barrows is easily one of those guys,” he said. “I think he could have won it all last year if he didn’t get hurt in Kelowna. For how good he is riding already just being back it's pretty unreal, especially after going through something like that. I am happy for him.”
“We have a good class of rookies coming up that we haven’t even seen yet much of, too. Dusty Golden will be coming back from an ankle injury. Grady Young is going to be popping up soon. It is really good for all of us to have a great group of rookies like that coming up.”
While the return to Canada was made special by winning in his 2024 debut, Tetz said that PBR Canada’s Media Day was also special, allowing him to tell the story of those who continue to support him in his endeavours to bull riding championships, including his fiancé.
“Besides winning, it was having Maddy [Hagan] there. It was cool during media day to talk about her, and all the things she has done. I feel like there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that people don't see. You don't see the struggles and nights questioning if this is what you should be doing,” Tetz said.
“It’s nice to have those opportunities to give the people who believe in you and push you forward some credit. Show that you do appreciate what they do for you.”